Wednesday, 28 March 2007
slippery mind.
i think i have a
slippery mind.
my most overused phrase at the moment is
it slipped my mind.
hur hur.
Labels: randomness
sped by at 08:02
Monday, 26 March 2007
club 21 sale.
once every four years. the messy club 21 sale. where prices are slashed by up to 90% off. yes. you read that right..
messy and
90% off!!!
arranged to pick DM up and head down to
the secret location at 11. ahahahhaa.. what secret location
cheh..anyway, first impression when i stepped in, i got quite a shock. no, it wasnt crowded like how sales usually are (think its because its a
secret location hehehee..) but cant call it empty also
lah.. thing was, walking in, down the corridor that leads to the various ballrooms, which were filled with merchandise, i saw people changing there and then! no no. no flesh got uncovered, but it was still quite an awful sight
lah.. considering how come of them arent exactly eye candy. haahah..
some stuff like pants, blazers, coats, dresses, etc were hung up on hangers and frames. makes browsing so much easier but they usually were only in one size and last piece.. chanced upon a yohji yamamoto (main line leh!!!)
pour homme light brown pants. medium sized. listening to my friend, i grabbed first and try later. haahha.. but they turned out to be too baggy at the thighs.. didnt exactly look nice though the waist was kind of ok.. oh well..
original price: $400+
sale price: $50.
other items were, i presumed, initially folded and placed nicely in baskets akin to those in departmental stores. but after the
stampeding rhinos bargain hunters went through them, everything was one big mess. worse than a
pasar malam (temporary roadside night market) i tell you. guess they were either searching for different designs or different sizes? but still.. be more considerate lah!! ah well.. made me not even feel like searching for any good buys.
and the people.. my gosh.. kids dragged there by parents (there is kids 21 after all..), young people, uncles, aunties, tai tais, housewives, even grandmothers! so many who want to be clad in designer stuff.. but refuse to pay designer prices.. hahahaha.. cheapskate? hahaha.. me? im just a poor struggling student.
lolx.. but looking at everyone there really makes me feel like forgetting it and buy when theres not sale. just to not see such ugly behaviour man..
ugh.. what an awful taste in my mouth..
so about the people there.. there were some really really pretty ladies there.. cant exactly call them girls due to their age right? hehe.. well.. pretty ones. then at the other end of the spectrum, some really.... oh!-my-eyes! kind. HAHAHAH.. at the other end of the gender line, so guys were dressed pretty stylishly too.. then again.. some were just visual pollution man.
due to the lack of changing room, many were trying on their items there and then. some managed to find thick curtains to hide behind (thought they were soon ousted with the curtains drawn back by staff. hahaha!), others just pick up the chosen pants, wear it underneath their skirts, then hike up them skirts to check out the pants.
o.Owhat the hell!!! so unglam lah! but then again.. quite no choice hor.. haha.. others just wear the item over their current clothes and "guess-timate" lor.. hmmm.. there were bikinis from D&G on sale.. wonder how anyone tried them? -cheeky grin- ahahhaaha..
ah well.. three words in my head the whole time i was there.
i walked away from that place soon after, clutching in my hands a Y-3 (yohji yamamoto-adidas collaboration) and an emporio armani shirt.
M.O.S. poorer by: $80
Labels: style
sped by at 10:02
Thursday, 22 March 2007
after again attempting to luxuriate my body with ample sleep.. but alas.. the dreaded mosquito struck again..
me thinks, when i dont get enough sleep, im in too deep a sleep during whatever little time i have, so i dont bother with the itch.. but when i can and try to get enough sleep.. haha.. i become a light sleeper and the little bit of feeling that accompanies the piercing of my skin by the mosquitos proboscis..
well.. but all fairy tales should have a happy ending and this would qualify as a fairy tale.. =)
i got up, switched on the lights, and was about to stone on my bed again
a la the last time..
lo and behold there dotted on my white bedsheets was the irritant itself! manifested in the form of a mosquito! it probably thought the warm bed was a human and was at that moment attempting to suck something.. who cares though.. not me! hahaa.. i slapped it lightly to stun it, not kill.. before wrapping it up in a piece of paper and crushing it til it was thinner than the paper it was stuck in between.. -sinister grin-
hahahhaha... see who has the last laugh..
Labels: rant
sped by at 13:17
Sunday, 18 March 2007
imagination gone wild.
had an email conversation about two weeks back.. heres the excerpt of that convo..
F: is there any way you can maybe steal one tiny gram of plutonium or whatever that's radioactive? then we can take over the world. okay, maybe we shld build a nuclear reactor first
me: whats with the "take over the world" thing anyway? so are you pinky?
then that would make me the brain? LOL
F: damn. but never mind, we still can make home made bombs using nitroglycerin right?? thats why i need your expertise in taking over the world. haha. hello, i much smarter than pinker lah. hey lets assume our throats are made of non-corrosive superstrong material. so what will happens if we drink alkali? will it react with the HCl? will we shit salt? :D :D cool, then we'll all become little salt-making machines, thus rendering useless the salt industry. we should so tap into this idea.
me: lolx. yeah. i'll try to find some thing you can use. ill lend you my
brains but disavow all knowledge of your evil plan kae? and pinkys not
that stupid what. hahaha..
yes. if our throats could handle the alkali, but first it must be the
specific NaOH alkali.. lolx.., it would react with the HCl produced in
our stomach. but we wouldnt shit salt my dear. you remember your chem
but not your bio? your body will absorb the salt in your digestive
system. so we cant be the personal salt makers you so wanna be.. :p :p
F: no seriously, wouldn't it be awesome if we had that little gram of radioactive stuff to ourselves? than out from nowhere we;ll become the world's number menace. its a fab idea, two young but marvellously smart youngsters creating the New World Order. we'll start small in singapore first, we'll displace the PAP and conquer istana. then we'll copulate, have kids where they'll form the minions of our plan to take over the world. might be a slow road but imagine in 20 years time they'll be all grown up and ready to rock!
no come to think of it, with your awesome mad scientist skills, we wouldnt even have to copulate! you'll just clone us. then it would be so much better to have an entire army of MOSes and Fs!!!!
me: hahaha.. even cloning requires a surrogate mother and time to grow..
you sure you wanna give birth to a whole army? coz if theres only the
2 of us in this.. it would be quite obvious the giving births have to
be done by you. :p
F: then its time u invent an artificial surrogate womb!! have you seen the matrix?? like little capsules. it'll be like a baby-making factory. :D
F has some wild imagination eh? :p
had to be a boring day at work for me then man.. lolx.
Labels: friends
sped by at 11:50
Tuesday, 13 March 2007
botak jones.
ok. this is such an overdued post!!! went to said location last wednesday, 8 march.. finished my weekly night class and DN and i met a few others for dinner/supper.. decided to go over and search for the clementi branch of botak jones. turns out, wasnt that hard to find...
ok ok. enough of me talking. a picture paints a thousand words and ive got three of them! :p

i just realised something. them pictures dont do the dish justice at all man! sorry lahh... lolx.
that was a 400gram piece of ribeye steak.. looking at the photos and recalling that day is making my mouth water.. -slurp-
looking at the menu, i had wanted to order a 300gram one for myself. unfortunately, the guy at the counter informed us that they didnt have NZ ribeye steaks. had only US air flown ribeye. that brought the cost up to almost double! so i ended up sharing a 400gram serving with DN. medium rare. the way we liked it (coincidentally). -grins- that one dish set us back 52 bucks lah! and this is a coffee shop, mind you! but who cares. seriously, the meal was more than worth it! a slab of beef almost 2 inches thick? call me
sua koo (mountain tortoise) i dont care.. that was the first time i actually ate such a huge piece...
first bite into my mouth consisted of meat with a small cut of fats, unknowingly of course. chewing the thick slab i cut, i was amazed how such a thick piece could be so well cooked. it was really medium rare through and through. by then, i realised my half of the beef (after splitting with DN) had quite a lot of fats. i took one cut. placed it in my mouth. orgasmic. the fats just melted in my mouth like warm butter. the flavour flowing about in my mouth. heavenly.
once i got that delightful piece swallowed, i told DN about it and insisted he try. (plus i was feeling a tad guilty of eating so much sinful fats that i had to give it away or i couldnt trust myself NOT to eat. :p) his reaction will have to be left to him to describe. but he passed it on to the rest to give it a try.. :)
i tell you. i am so going back to botak jones! will eat until they recognise me. hahaa.. but ill have to wait for the NZ ribeye to be available. my pocket cant simply afford to eat a 52 bucks meal that often. :p
Labels: food
sped by at 11:45
Friday, 9 March 2007
stupid mosquitoes.. bother me when i try to sleep early.. when ive managed to actually lay down on my bed early, after enduring taunts of having such an early bedtime (fi you know who you are! lolx.)
i wanted to try and get 8 hours of sleep but those bloody (pun intended) mosquitoes just had to choose this day to bother me! to wake me up at the unearthly hour of 4! argh..!! let me get back to bed already! before getting fed up getting out of bed, i wrapped myself up so tightly like a mummy, i swear i almost forgot i was a guy! (and everyone knows guys are daddys...)
edit: after being bombarded by them mosquitoes, i sat up, turned on the lights and attempted to catch the irritating bugger. i sat on my bed and leaned against the wall.. sitting still to attract them.. good thing noone came into my room at thistime.. i definitely looked like a zombie! but cant blame me. im still dazed from being awaken
mah... sitting there stoning for close to 30 mins, no mosquitoes got deceived. it was like as if they knew i was purposely attracting them to kill! damn... oh well.. i turned off the lights again and went back to sleep.. ended up taking half an hour to drift back to slumber land and missing my alarm..
Labels: rant
sped by at 10:13
Wednesday, 7 March 2007
insomnolent me.
no no. im not insomniac yet. =) but i realised im more like a night owl, i rather stay awake at night and sleep in the day.. when i have work to complete, i rather do it late into the night.. also coz im more productive at night, less distractions, etc.
being awake at night makes me feel as if im the only one awake.. kind of like i rule the world coz no ones awake to challenge me. lolx. what a thought eh? hahaha..
well.. so i much much prefer being awake at night.. only gripe is, in small little singapore, theres nothing to do at night accept club and eat! why cant we have some other activities? or is it that there are but im not aware of? enlighten meee!!!
i think this love for the night began waaay back in secondary school.. having the typical school day start at 7, i had this crazy idea one day, to sleep immediately after eating, wake up at 3, study til 6, before preparing to and going to school. looking back, i know i wasnt helping my non attentive class behaviour but my thoughts then were as long as im getting enough sleep, its ok. haha.. what
then, over the chinese new year weekend, during a game of '21', my relatives started reminiscing about the past.. when my grandfather was alive, and how we (the cousins) used to stay over at my grandparents place, the food my grandmother always prepared, the bed and pillow we slept in, the bedtime song she sang, etc.. (it really was such a nostalgic feeling!) then my aunt started talking abt the difference between my cousin and i, us being the eldest 2 in the generation..
shall not bore you about what they discussed about my cousin. but what they mentioned about me was quite interesting.. i was remembered (sounds like im dead already! so ominous..) as the the kid who ate very fast. noone had any trouble feeding me. lolx.. but the difficult thing to do, was to get me to
sleep!! no matter how sleepy i was, i simply refused to close my eyes and sleep.. you know how sitting in a car lulls you to sleep, with the monotonous journey (especially to a one year old kid!), the constant rumbling of the wheels on the road, etc.. but my aunt said no matter how many times i nodded off, i would always attempt to open my eyes to stay awake, simply to not sleep. lolx..
having hear her say that, i imagine myself when i was a kid (got photos to remind me of how i looked like lah. lolx) and i must say i was quite a cute one. hahahaha.. (i can hear those puking sounds! stop it. :p) but seriously. i have like big eyes with loooong eye lashes, even now (yes bestfriend. i claim to have longer eye lashes than YOU!), and on a little boys small face, im sure it looks even bigger lah. hahah.. but of course, not as big that i look like a freak lah hahaha, but i digress...
so i was imaging the toddler me, attempting to stay awake every time no matter where i was, by forcing my eyes open, even if i was nodding off to sleep... and that got me thinking.. no wonder im such a nocturnal creature now.. i have always been like that.. its in me.. its
Labels: randomness
sped by at 11:14