the pace is too fast / you just wont last

m.o.s. ~

the minister was born in 1984, in the country of the vomiting merlion and is a full time slacker, part time student. :)

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Thursday, 29 November 2007

burnout? jaded?

whats with me and exams huh? as my years in uni lengthen, my attitude towards exams have seen a shift. do you even remember when, back in the days of secondary school or even jc.. where the mere thought of end of year exams brought crashing down even nerves of steel. now? the air of nonchalance and, dare i even say it, complacency has set in. while i do hope it isnt complacency, i must admit the it is with, for lack of a better word, disregard that i approach each exams.

might it be the seemingly large number of finals? to me this seems to be the case, with the calendar year being split into 2 semesters and each having its own "finals" (on a second thought, the term finals used to bring with it an air of such importance. now? -sigh-). its no wonder that with this increase, i rarely feel a thought of stress or nervousness anymore. afterall, since the days of secondary school, specifically upper secondary, all exams and test didnt matter so much as long the o levels were passes with satisfaction. same goes for jc. that would be an equivalent of 2 years of school before an important "finals"! no wonder..

ah well.. just penning down some thoughts of mine as i strive to force my tired mind to hit the books. but as all ye fellow sufferers of the short attention span syndrome can empathise with, i rather do anything but study. even chores like cleaning up my room or tidying up the notes for the exams that are already over! lolx.



sped by at 22:32



Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2 January 2008 at 12:25  

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