the pace is too fast / you just wont last

m.o.s. ~

the minister was born in 1984, in the country of the vomiting merlion and is a full time slacker, part time student. :)

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Saturday, 27 October 2007

i am jack's complete lack of energy.

just got back from a night of cycling. hall organised night cycling which saw us travel from hall all the way to fort canning, then to clarke quay, supposed to go marina south but bypassed due to time constraints, followed by geylang for bean curd supper (or was it more like breakfast? =p) and lastly east coast park, to return our bikes and await the bus back..

more unique about this night cycling was it was a tandem event, where two people are paired up and together the entire event. how cool is that? haha..

oh well.. nothing much to report. not really in the mood to regurgitate anything..


sped by at 09:36



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