Wednesday, 31 January 2007
that's what friends are for eh?
best friend recounted this incident to me experienced by his father, who had kena a parking fine for parking in a season parking lot without a valid season parking label.
the car next to his had also kena a parking fine from the over generous parking attendant. just as he had keyed in and printed out the parking fine, the owner of that car arrived at his car. turns out that the owner of that car is friends with the said parking attendant. aye say lah!! score 1-0 to the parking attendant!! lolx. though i wasnt there, i guess the conversation between them when they first see each other must have been something like this:
Parking Attendant: hey! you lived around here ah?
Unlucky Friend: yeah man! so early you start work already? you and your kind ah. forever so hardworking. haha.
PA: what to do? got quota to meet leh..
(at this time UF probably walked to his car already..)
UF: eh wtf lah! i kena parking fine... you friend also dont give chance wan is it? wah lao. call yourself a friend lor.. ^%#@!%#%
PA: ......
HAHAHAHA.. what sia.. how suay can he get man.. he must be cursing himself for waking that few minutes later, taking that few minutes extra to prepare to go out (assumption here is it's in the morning..), and in the process, couldnt prevent himself from being awarded that slip of paper. lolx!!
Labels: friends
sped by at 02:23
Sunday, 28 January 2007
first look at café del mar.

welcome to café del mar...

this is the view of café del mar from the backside...aka the beach...

another view.... nice right??? i think im love with this place.. lolx.

and again another view... as you can see from the first 2 photos, there are predominately 2 kinds of furnitures... the couple of deck chair like couches and the square beds with cushions, both having umbrellas over their heads.. in the above third photo, focus your attention on the left side.. can you see the similar square bed? but this one got curtains leh!!! haha..
MV was say the management so good. willing to give couples (or even groups... whatever rocks your boat.. hahaha!!!) the privacy they want... lolx. and i was like.. you think they'll let them close the curtains meh? hahahaha..

and yet another one... bored yet? shouldnt be right? haha.. ok. changing liao. dont look!

this view is a pseudo-artistic view of the square beds with umbrellas wan.. the couches can be seen (barely) in the left hand side.. cool right?? are you drooling yet? lolx..

remember the "privacy included" beds i mention above? here's a close up view of it.. power leh!! must aim to conquer this every time we go there. it's like the best of the rest lah.. (and get rid of the dirty thought popping up inside your head lah. lolx.)
between the beach side and the building in the background of the first 3 photos, there's an array (now where did that pop up from?! C Programming for Engineers?!?!?) of beds, similar to the ones with umbrellas, and couches, not similar to the one above mentioned, around the compound. no longer on sand, but on concrete.. and right smack in the middle of the place, there's a wading pool with a poolside bar in the middle! i wonder how long before it becomes contaminated.. hehehe..
-devious grin-
edit: i went back again and noticed something i didnt notice the first time i went! there are 2 jacuzzis in café mar!!!alright.. from here on, it'll be some random pics from the night itself.. no more just about the place lah couldnt get any more nice ones.. :)

here's a look at the pool in the dark.. the poolside bar on the left is barely barely visible... :)

inside the main building, here's the crowd in front of the bar.. the term free flow sure attracts people like bees to honey leh.. lolx.

here's the bon fire the organisers (here, im assuming it's them. shld be lah! haha.) set up in front of their backside.. have to be on the beach whaaatttt.. lolx.. not very big hor? wait til you see the next shot i caught before the thing collapse onto itself...

ta-da!!! lolx.. it's freaking huge lah! i was sitting about 10m away also can feel the heat emanating from it lor...

here is one of the performers that were going around.. swinging 2 fire lamps whose heat could be felt by those around him lah.. i hijacked a photographer next to me's flash. hehehe..

and lastly, just for fun and laughs... dont you think these 2 photos make him look like he's firing off sonic booms, a la street fighter? hahahaha.. i think the second photo seriously looks like leh. his hands movement and the trail of the fire looks really like.. the first one looks like he firing off into the sky though. hahahah...
well.. hope these photos make you want to check out café del mar all the more after viewing them. maybe Lifebrandz shld pay me commission leh.. lolx. i'm definitely going down again man.. hopefully the music selection will be similar to the café del mar albums and not the so dance-y stuff they played on the opening.. =)
Labels: party
sped by at 14:30
Tuesday, 23 January 2007
SJPS again.
the day after café del mar, the gang headed down to SJPS again. never have i patronise a particular club so frequently! really must be the membership man. hahaha..
this is also the day nussu pru (thats public relations unit) held their bash, touted to be the biggest bash of the year (? someone correct me if im wrong).. with out membership, the gang hung out at the gallery bar which overlooks movida, dragonfly and powerhouse. from what we saw? where was the party man?! people were barely bobbing to the music!! even with the bartop dancers taking to the stage, many were just clapping unenthusiastically! i dont even want to talk abt the guy who one of the dancers approach to dance with.. what is he? the pole in pole dancing?!? gosh... hahahaha.. even if you cannot dance, show more enthusiasm man.. lolx. seems like everyone was there for the lucky draw only! hahaahahahhahah..
oh well.. the night continued with us opening another bottle.. this time a chivas.. at powerhouse. coz the dj was spinning some pretty good music, r&b for awhile.. but as the trance started to take full swing, the place became way too packed to dance so we left.. like i recounted to a few friends, we were not dancing lah. we were vibrating! hahaha... standing rooted to the spot and vibrating.. lolx.
so the night didnt end too late for me tdy.. unlike the previous saturday's where we stay at SJPS til 5am.. what were we thinking sia. lolx.. i knw these 2 weeks i also not considered drink much.. unlike
butterfly whos also known as "the guy without a liver".. but it's a large difference ah. so still i hope my liver aint quiting on me anytime soon. lolx..
one thing i noticed.. i knw i turn red very easily when ingesting alcohol (the reason is not coz i get drunk easily lah.. but i'll explain in another post) but i've noticed that this visit to SJPS resulted in less red-ness. could it be the more used to drink i get, the less red? if so, im going to continue man!!! hahaha.. i remember last time in secondary school when i used to "act old" to buy from the mama shop at far east with my best friend (now i knw he anyone also will sell to wan lah. lolx.), we would buy hooch and drink. i dont recall ever turning red leh. but over the past few years when i drink sporadically, i will pretty quickly after my first drink.. anyone observe this too? what do you do to lessen the red-ness? dont look nice leh. often get confused with drunk. (again, i emphasize.. turning red does NOT equal drunk lah! lolx.)
Labels: party
sped by at 15:51
Saturday, 20 January 2007
café del mar singapore opening party.
ended work yesterday at 5pm. drove down to sentosa with MV for dinner first.
after dinner, we walked over to café del mar, which sits on the site formerly occupied by sunset bay. they renovated the building plus added lots of furniture on the beach! i'll describe everything later with the help of pictures
lah, since everyone likes to say that a picture paints a thousand words (though i disagree lah.. but i digress..)
seeing that the place wasnt open yet, the staff were still making final preparations for the opening, we took advantage to take a few pictures and "test" out the furniture. hehe.. music was already playing at this point, albeit the sound system still being fine tuned, but good enough
lah! haha..
MV and i walked over to the front to check out the building, where we noticed there were 2 queues.. specifically "media" and "invites".. whoa!! invites? how come we never get the invites
sia?? we were asking each other.. since time was still on our side (btw. time has never been on my side. wonder why the sudden switch of allies... -.-), we went to the back (back here refers to the beach side) and MV approached a waitress. we asked her about the invites and how to receive one. but she had no idea.. she did mention something that interested us - 1930 to 2100 was invites only.. and the pink band signified free flow of house pours and carlsberg.. free drinks!!
wooo~ haha.. (see lah DN. who ask you lazy to move your butt down here. wahahha..)
so back to the front we went, trying to find out how were the invites gotten. what made them more special than we..
lolx.. by now, people had started streaming in. some were carrying a postcard which we reckon is the invites. observing for about 15 minutes, we notice that there was nothing outstanding of these people! many looked like they were students even.. i also noticed that the invites list this girl at the door was holding was super thick lah! her hardboard plus the stack of names was easily 5cm at least (i know 5cm not very long lah.. but for a stack of paper.. it is can? i say it is
we started speculating if the invites were given out to all thosewho signed up at the café del mar website.. hmmm.. but both of us did! so where were the invites?? never mind. i told MV we really shld speak to one of them and ask.. so we walked up to this kind of black faced girl and ask..
me: hi. can i just ask, how were these invites given out?
Unwilling Girl: oh. they've all been given out already..
me: errr.. i knw. i mean how do you get one?
UG: they were sent by post or email...
at this juncture, she started talking to her friend who was walking towards her.. i was about to ask another guy how did those people get those invites when he motioned both of us to raise out our right wrist. he slapped on the pink band for us and we breezed past the bouncers.. woweee~!! hahhaa.. i turned to MV and we were like.. "that was fun!" hahahaha.. cheap thrill for us
lah can? i also knw. so? noone's gonna spoil our little celebration dance that we did immediately after entering. (ok fine. that's a joke. we did no such dance
lah. lolx.)
well.. to cut a long story short.. the crowd became sooo packed after that that getting a drink took nearly 45 minutes! and coz 2100 was fast approaching, we made a last ditch attempt to order 8 glasses (yes. just between the 2 of us..), succeeded and carried our loot out to the backside (pun intended). and we even managed to snag ourselves a pair of beach chairs! tonight must be our lucky night. haha..
so fast forward to when we left café del mar.. the first thing i saw in my letter box... you guessed it. one of those invites sitting there happily mocking me!
wah lao!! we went through all that trouble for nothing!!! hahaha.. then when i turned on my laptop, i went to scrutinise the email... that was the invite lah!! again
sia!! the subject put "You're Invited!" but nothing in the mail said i had to print out the email and show it to be part of the invited list
lor!! and who even reads the subject?!?! (come on.. touch your heart. those who reads raise your right hand... see! i knew it. noone reads!)
oh well.. what a night of (cheap) thrills. haha..
p/s: next up. photos from café del mar... that's all everyone wants
lah. admit it. haha..
Labels: party
sped by at 11:29
Sunday, 14 January 2007
biz ad bash / st james power station.
on my way to the nus bz ad bash, i called up a friend to see if he was going. he informed me he wasnt but advised me i shouldnt buy the biz ad tickets as it was much more worth it to apply for a SJPS membership.. reached vivocity and met up with the (newly formed) gang. i told them about the deal and that i was thinking of going for it.. weighing the pros and cons (no no. not prostitutes and conmen
lahh...), i settled with signing up with DN. straight on the spot, we decided the biz ad bash was of no interest and went "butterflying" around the other outlets before parking ourselves at The Boiler Room. i opened the bottle of johnnie walker black, that came with the membership, and that was the start of our night. haha..
nothing much to say for the night.. (edited: removed due to silence agreement...)
after a whole 2 years of procrastinating, im finally clubbing more often. haha. can't believe such an enjoyable "sport" can also let me procrastinate and dont-do-today-what-you-can-put-off-til-tmrw. hahahaa..
can i forsee going to SJPS now that got membership? maybe next time if got anytime feeling bored, can just hop on down and take a look. after all, members can sign in 2 guests. lolx..
p/s: MV also signed up for the membership. it's really a good deal
lah.. though it's less exclusive this way. haha.. so i guess SJPS will be seeing us more often.. earning our moolah too. hahaha..
Labels: party
sped by at 13:54
Wednesday, 10 January 2007
start of school.
the new term has started.. this semester, ill be on attachment, heading over to jurong island everyday to "serve".
lolx. pardon me but after being in the SAF, all such stuff will from here on be known as "serve". whether is got bond or not
lah. hahaha..
my attachment is research work, though i must say im not that interested in going into research next time.. so why did i choose this company? coz the research proposed to me sounded interesting to me. thats all. haha.. i personally dont hate lab work, in fact i think i kind of excel in lab..( allow me to digress, i think i excel in lab work but i dont do that well for my lab modules purely because i dont like writing them lab reports! haha..) so here i am.. doing research.. just hope i dont regret not taking this opportunity to test the waters of the other job scopes that have been available to those ancient graduates from my course.. ;)
Labels: randomness
sped by at 15:43
Tuesday, 2 January 2007
back from harbin.
got back this morning from my holiday. went to harbin, china. if i had to sum up my holiday in one word, it would be cold. brrr... haha.. average temperature of my holiday was -20 degrees
lah! yep. you read that right. 20 BELOW zero man...
alright. i'll blog in detail abt it soooon... together with the photos. have been procrastinating about sifting through all them photos again.
lolx.Labels: holiday
sped by at 15:23
Monday, 1 January 2007
for once, slower than the masses.
beginning of the new year.. shall start and do something interesting.. i knw i knw.. every tom and jane already have their own blogs! so guess im slow in this aspect.. haha..
well.. hope my attention span can sustain this new interest of mine. haha..
but this starting post wont be anything much
lah.. school's starting in a few days and i will be going on industrial attachment instead of studying in classrooms.. will there be any difference? will i have more fun? haha.. only time will tell...
sped by at 16:00